Almost All Reading Can Be Speed Reading

Speed Reading Enables You to Save Over Half of Your Reading Time



Why Are We Slow Readers? 

  • Our educational system teaches us to be slow readers
    • The teaching of reading as a separate subject usually stops around 4th grade 
    • The average American adult reads at 8th-grade level, about 200 words per minute (WPM) 
  • Reading slowly causes boredom, leading to distractions that interrupt your concentration
    • Our brain can process written information at 800 WPM, about four times faster than reading word-by-word 
    • Word-by-word readers pause to “hear” (subvocalize) almost all words
  • TIPS: Minimize distractions, especially from tech, to improve focus and comprehension 
    • Create an optimal environment for reading—a quiet place with little to nothing else happening


What is Speed Reading? 

  • Reading that enables faster rates with greater focus, comprehension, and enjoyment
  • Speed Reading is not auditory like listening or speaking 
    • It is visual, involving “seeing” ideas—phrases or meaningful groups of words—rather than separate words
    • It is about six times as fast as speech (125 WPM) 
    • We speak in meaningful groups of words—phrases or ideas. We should read the same way—by reading ideas not individual words 
  • Speed-reading doesn’t mean skipping words—that is key-word reading
    • Phrase reading, or reading ideas, is far superior to word-by-word or key-word reading
    • Sweep reading, including hand pacing, is faster and easier than phrase reading
  • Speed-reading at the highest level requires active concentration and physical engagement (hand pacing)
  • Fast readers constantly change their rates depending on their purpose and responsibility for the material and its importance, familiarity, and difficulty 


When Should You Use Speed Reading? 

  • You should speed-read most material, remembering that speed-reading something 2 or 3 times takes less time than reading word-by-word once, and produces better results
  • You can speed-read difficult and technical material—STEM and Philosophy. STEM material, like most difficult material, will require re-reading. Philosophy can be difficult because it may include unclear or outdated terms and references
  • I don’t recommend speed-reading classics and great literature since “hearing” the language is a large part of appreciating the work. For poetry and drama, reading is more auditory


How to Get the Most from Speed Reading 

  • Change doesn’t happen overnight. Achieving the lifelong benefits of speed reading requires staying actively engaged and putting in the work. My program will provide all the tools you need to succeed