Reviews from Prince Learning Clients
On this page:
General Testimonials
“Honestly, the best instructor I’ve ever had. Very understandable, very helpful, very enthusiastic about what was taught and easy to learn from…”
—Sarah G
“We have great college news! Thanks to your help, Adam did well enough to get into Northwestern. It was his first choice . . . . we are so blessed. Thanks again; and we certainly hope to see you again with Adam’s little brother. It won’t be long from now – :)”
—Patricia M
“Alison will be attending Northeastern University. She has been accepted into their six-year PhD in physical therapy program. She is delighted. Of course she would not have achieved her goal had she not worked with you. We have been fortunate and we are appreciative.”
—Karen H
“Thank you for all that you have done for Grace. You are a life saver and a wonderful teacher.”
—Jackie A
“Thank you for all your work with Max. He repeatedly told me how much he enjoyed working with you. Also, I don’t know what magic you worked yesterday. His state of mind was so improved after he saw you!”
—Cynthia R
“Thank you for working with Amelia. Your style, commitment, and enthusiasm, as much as the course content and study, I think generates an optimism that would otherwise not be as hearty.”
—Linda M
“I am thrilled to announce you that I have been Accepted to Georgetown! I am extremely happy to see that all the hard work I did finally paid off. Thank you very much for all the help you gave me!”
—Tanner W
“Tanner enjoyed that you put a lot of focus on knowing the strengths and weaknesses of your student. He felt good about getting tips to lower the stress level as well. He found them really useful. You did a wonderful job with him.
—Julie W
“I enjoyed this class to the fullest. The book has great information. Wonderful! Mr. Prince is the best teacher I’ve ever had.”
—Rob G
Test Prep Testimonials
“I want to thank you for guiding me through the ACT and analyzing my chances of getting into the colleges on my list! Remember how we were looking at the odds of getting into my dream school Berkeley? I specifically remember how unlikely it was. Despite my chances, I just wanted to let you know that I managed to get into Cal! I really cannot thank you enough for all that you have done for me. There was no possible way for me to get accepted without you! Thank you Norman!!!”
—Duncan L
“Please allow us to THANK YOU for making it possible for Duncan to not only be considered for Cal, but to be selected!! We never dreamed we’d be in this position. Needless to say, we are incredibly happy and send much gratitude and appreciation to you. Duncan not only learned skills that improved his scores, but ones that will also serve him well at Cal. (He will need them!)”
—Serena L
“I’m lucky! Norman is a former colleague of mine, so I knew he was the person to call when it was time for my son to take the SAT/ACT. I also knew I could trust his guidance completely, so I did. He recommended my son take Speed Reading with him first, and then begin test prep. My son LOVES being able to speed read. He says it makes him feel like he’s got an edge. When they began working on practice tests, my son saw immediate improvement and was motivated to keep going. All I had to do was sit back and watch the scores improve!”
—Arianna O
“I just want to thank you for all the time and effort you put in on Sadey. I don’t know if she has told you yet, but this time around she got a 30 on her ACT and she is thrilled. She apparently aced the English portions…a 30 should make her competitive for all the schools to which she is applying. Thank you again. You are amazing.”
—Tracie W
“She calls you the ‘Miracle Worker.’ And yes, she’s glad to be done and relieved to receive great results. One daughter down—2 more to send to you!”
—Lisa S
“I want to thank you for all of your help in tutoring me for the ACT. Not only have the skills you’ve taught me improved my testing scores, they have also helped me become a better student.”
–Grace A
“Thank you so much for all of your help with studying for the ACT test. I am going to be attending Kenyon College next year and I am so excited! I hope you’re doing well during this time. Again, thank you so much for everything you have done for me!”
—Lauren B
“I just got my SAT score and I’m proud to tell you that I earned a perfect 800 on both the Reading and Writing. I can’t thank you enough for helping me get to the point where my current score became attainable. I was genuinely elated to see how your guidance had paid off. Thank you very much for your tutelage.”
—Nicole M
“I got my SAT scores this morning!!! (Reading and Writing: 99th percentile, Math: 98th percentile, Total: 99th percentile) Thank you so much for everything, it clearly had a huge impact and I am very, very pleased.”
—Violet M
“Thanks for working with J. He walked out of your place with a big smile on his face, which may not be unusual for you, but I … believe this is not the normal post-SAT-tutoring session expression. He thinks these sessions were really helpful, and I’m quite sure he’s right.”
—Tim C
“By working with Norman, I learned that my low scores had to do with test anxiety and running out of time. Norman designed a program for me that helped me improve my scores. He taught me strategies for talking my way through the questions and managing my time. Norman also taught me relaxation techniques and nutritional advice. For all of these reasons, I highly recommend Norman for tutoring services.”
—Mark J
Speed-Reading and Study & Learning Skills Testimonials
The programs on speed-reading and learning skills that I did with you were an exceptionally good starting point. As you know, I have always wanted to do it. The work was a gift I gave to myself. As it turns out, it gave me a tool that is going to help me to explore other paths and work that might be more interesting to me, more helpful to someone in the world, and allow me to have more time with my children. I am so grateful to you for your help. I will let you know where I end up!”
—Dan G
“I took your speed-reading and learning workshop at Stanford and am thrilled to report that I speed read two books this weekend that would normally have taken me at least a week to read! I kept pushing myself…and, sure enough, my speed kept increasing. This is really going to help my productivity.”
—Monica H
“I thought it was really helpful and interesting to see the different techniques that can improve my reading speed. This is one of the most interesting and useful classes I have ever taken.”
—Sam P
“Excellent teacher—used time effectively and covered a lot of exercises. My reading really improved when I took this course. He gave us supplemental materials, so we could practice at home which was great! He was friendly and I have learned a lot from this course.”
—Megan T
“Superb course presenter, teacher…. Enjoyed the class — good balance of theory and practice. Norman Prince did an excellent job teaching a ‘ton’ of material in one day.”
—Jon H
“I have more realistic goals and tools with which to attain them. I learned techniques that will improve my speed and comprehension in reading, note taking, and remembering… I found the guide very helpful. I liked the explanation given for the techniques.”
—Sarah L